1. Invite Collaborators
  2. Accepting Collaboration Invite
  3. Tips

Invite Collaborators

  1. Click on the workspace name dropdown
  2. Click on Invite Collaborators (this will only show up if you have admin access to the GitHub repository).
  3. Add GitHub username of the user you want to invite to form. Press enter.
  4. An invitation will be sent to the user. You will be able to revoke the invitation if you change your mind or sent to the wrong user. You can also remove a user after they have accepted an invitation.
  5. If you set up a GitHub organization you can create more fine grained user permissions (read, write, admin). If you are using a personal account you can only grant write access.

Accepting Collaboration Invite

  1. Click on “Switch Workspace” dropdown
  2. Click on the accept button.


  • Read Only access to a workspace only works when you are logged in with a organization account. If you aren’t sure if you are logged in via an GitHub organization account, the answer is you probably aren’t.
  • Read Only gives the same access as Read/Write if you are logged in with a GitHub user account.